Manager’s Corner: Fall Motivation
Get back up when you Fall.
Here is a quote we came across today while looking to answer the question, “How do you stay motivated year round.”
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs
It takes us back to a mastermind session hosted at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Golden properties where our coach at the time taught us how to deal with curveballs life sometimes throws at us.
Speaking with BHHS Golden agents, they know that each individual agent is it’s own individual business with the brokerage being their foundation and support. They love being the person to give someone dreaming of home-ownership their set of keys at the close of escrow. It’s a magical feeling.
As individual business owners how do they keep their motivation going?
The answer – Business owners sometimes have to do what they don’t want to do. That means spending more time being productive and less time allowing life’s curveballs to throw them off.
This includes making a battle plan.
Here is a sample battle plan for REALTORs/business owners.
1- Daily plan to exercise
Even if you’re not a fitness buff, even just a five minute walk in the mornings with your own thoughts or perhaps a pet can leave you ready to take on the day and be prosperous.
2- Meditate or pray whatever works for you. It’s about being quiet with your own thoughts and reflecting.
3- Keep a gratitude journal and write in it as often as you can
4- Read or listen to something inspiring
5 – Check in with someone who holds you accountable. Either call or text this person.
6 – Check your emotions three times a day for one minute.
7- Commitment check – Look at why you do what you do. Look at your battle plan and stay committed.
8 – Host a mastermind group, or mentoring group. If you’re wondering what a mastermind group is,
Here is your wiki definition. “A mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring concept used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members. The concept was coined in 1925 by author Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success, and described in more detail in his 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich.”
9- Business coaching
Even some of our most seasoned agents continue to come to us for coaching.
10 – Date night
Have a date night with your spouse, significant other, friends or simply yourself. In the balance between work and play, playing is just as important to set aside time for. Check out this motivational video about the importance of play from a very successful Shonda Rhimes.
11-15 Plan to take care if yourself, monthly adventures, review your own boundaries, create a vision and review it and lastly, at least once a year go on a vacation.
We hope you enjoy reading our “Manager’s Corner.” Check out more of our blogs at www.BHHSGoldenProperties.com and use our site to explore the MLS. Please feel free to recommend topics you’d like a Real Estate broker or manager to elaborate on. Thanks for reading!
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